In a groundbreaking effort to support India’s small and medium businesses (SMBs), WhatsApp has launched the Bharat Yatra initiative, an innovative on-ground training program. Aimed at equipping small businesses with essential digital skills, this mobile training tour will traverse major cities nationwide, offering practical knowledge to SMBs on leveraging the WhatsApp Business app for growth and success.
Bringing Digital Empowerment to the Doorstep
The WhatsApp Bharat Yatra is a mobile bus tour designed to provide hands-on training to small business owners. Starting its journey in Delhi-NCR, the branded bus will visit prominent marketplaces like Laxmi Nagar, Rajouri Garden, and Nehru Place before making stops in Gurgaon’s Sapphire Mall and Noida’s Atta Market. The initiative doesn’t stop there; it will extend its reach to cities like Agra, Lucknow, Kanpur, Indore, Ahmedabad, Surat, Nashik, and Mysore in the coming months.
By meeting SMBs where they operate, the program ensures that local entrepreneurs gain direct access to tools and insights, regardless of their digital literacy levels or prior experience.
Interactive Demos and Expert Guidance
The program offers a rich, interactive experience for SMBs. Attendees will benefit from:
- Live demonstrations on creating professional business profiles.
- Step-by-step guidance for setting up catalogues and designing ads.
- Personalized support for using features like automated messaging, appointment reminders, and custom greetings.
This hands-on training ensures businesses can optimize their use of the WhatsApp Business app to streamline operations and enhance customer engagement.
Key Tools for SMB Growth
One of the highlights of the Bharat Yatra initiative is the introduction of WhatsApp’s latest updates, such as:
- Meta Verified: A feature to boost business credibility with a verified badge.
- Custom Messaging Features: Tools to send personalized updates like birthday greetings and sale alerts.
- Meta AI Integration: Currently under testing, this feature will allow businesses to use artificial intelligence to manage customer queries and interactions more efficiently.
These tools are designed to simplify customer communication, improve credibility, and ultimately drive sales for small businesses.
A Commitment to India’s Entrepreneurial Landscape
Ravi Garg, Director of Business Messaging at Meta India, emphasized the program’s transformative potential. He stated, “Small businesses are the backbone of India’s economy, and with the right digital tools, they have the power to supercharge the country’s digital transformation.” The Bharat Yatra initiative aligns with WhatsApp’s vision to create a significant, lasting impact on India’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Building on Past Successes
The Bharat Yatra program is the latest in a series of initiatives by WhatsApp to empower SMBs in India. Previous programs include:
- WhatsApp Se Vyapaar: In partnership with CAIT, this program aimed to upskill 10 million traders.
- Digishaastra: A digital literacy initiative by the India SME Forum.
These efforts have collectively strengthened India’s small business ecosystem, fostering digital adoption at an unprecedented scale.
Driving the Digital Future
The Bharat Yatra initiative underscores WhatsApp’s commitment to supporting small businesses by offering them tools to thrive in the digital economy. Through interactive training, expert support, and cutting-edge features, the program aims to empower SMBs to not only survive but succeed in a competitive market.
By bridging the digital divide and bringing innovation to the grassroots level, WhatsApp Bharat Yatra promises to be a game-changer for small businesses across India.