When an organization or a company hires someone, do they just hire them right away based on their qualifications? Nah, it doesn’t work like that. Then how? Well, there is this thing that we call background verification, and most of the companies or organizations out there make sure the people they are hiring have a clean background, which is ultimately a good thing for their company. And it is not like these companies perform these background verifications themselves, there are actually some third-party companies that usually do this, and right here in India, there are plenty of them in the market. But today, we’re here just to take a good look at the top 10 Background Verification (BGV) companies in India as of 2025, so, let’s just get to it.
1. AuthBridge
Alright, at the very top of this list, you must be expecting the best and most reliable company in this segment of the market, right? Well, that’s precisely where we introduce AuthBridge, yes, 2005 established and Gurgaon-based company which is arguably the most preferred one in India right now for Background Verification tasks/projects. As for why that is, precisely, well, just to give you perspective on things, AuthBridge is one company that handles more than 15 million verifications, and that too, every single month. Many clients prefer them the most just because they have one of the biggest databases among all the other BGV companies, and yes, we’re talking about over 200 million records from courts across India.
2. FactSuite
Alright, this next one isn’t the oldest on this list, considering that FactSuit is a company that started just in 2013, it sure has become a big name as of 2025. How and why? Well, first of all, this Bengaluru-based company is known for the most accurate checks in this particular niche of the market, and not just that, they have their own AI-powered system which is like super accurate and super fast as well. With them though, no matter if it has something to do with criminal checks or verifying past employment, FactSuite is certainly a good option.
3. First Advantage (FADV)
For more than two decades now, there is one BGV company that has consistently provided the best reports and background checks to so many clients in the country, and yes, we’re talking about First Advantage aka FADV. Just so you know, they started out in Bengaluru back in 2003. As for why they’re special, well, it’s just reliable reports that come to mind, like, whether it is about employment history, education checkers, or even criminal records, they do not skimp over the details fact with any of these.
4. IDfy
If we were to rank these companies based on how commonly they’re being used just for the convenience factor, well, then sure enough, IDfy will rank at the top. Like, this is the easiest to use, you know, whether you just want to spot a fake resume or anything like that, just give this one a shot. As for a little bit of background of this company itself, well, this is a Mumbai-based company that is known to use its amazing AI to let you complete background checks super fast. Do you know what’s so impressive about IDfy, well, just know that so far, their services have helped to expose more than 1,000 fake companies that are promising to hand out actual job experience certificates.
5. SpringVerify
SpringVerify had to be the most reviewed background verification company on this list, like they have thousands of Google reviews which just goes to show how good they’re at what they do. Since this is again super easy to use, even online, that’s what makes them even more accessible to the larger client base. With this particular BGV company, you can do things like employment checks, criminal records, or even social media screening, etc.
6. HireRight
Now, this next one is actually famous on the global stage for background checks, and yes, we’re talking about HireRight. As you can easily tell by the name, this company is most preferred by organizations to do thorough background checks of any kind on their candidate, you know, so they can “Hire Right Candidates!” This sure enough makes the HR job ridiculously easy.
7. Quinfy
We get it, Quinfy is a new company in this scene, but whatever they have been doing, like impressive things, they’re making a big client base right here in India and overseas as well. The best thing about Quinfy is that if you want to perform global verifications, you had very limited options before Quinfy, but not anymore. This particular company helps out with that too, and that’s the best bit about it all.
8. Verifacts
Sure, with rising competition in this segment of the market, the popularity of Verifacts might have faded away quite a bit, but that 15 years of experience is enough to give you perspective on things, like how good and reliable of a company this is. Again, this Bengaluru-based company does it all, like, from employment screening to corporate checks, so, no problem at all. Because of this, BFSI, IT, and healthcare organizations and companies prefer Verifacts the most.
9. KPMG India
Though, from the looks of it, KPMG India may appear to be just a regular BGV company, but it is actually their experience that made us list them here. They have been doing these background checks ever since 1993, yes, THAT LONG! While you’re at it, we’d certainly suggest you just take a look at this company’s services as well.
10. Millow
It is last doesn’t mean that Millow is any less than any other company mentioned on this list today. How and why? The affordability, accurate results, faster report processing, and things like that are probably the top reasons why this company deserves to be on this list today.
All in all, by far, these are the most trusted and popular background verification companies right here in the country, well, at least that seems to be the case in 2025. So, if you’re someone who was looking at this whole background verification thing, well, now you have a list of companies to look at too.